What is intuitive prophetic art?

What is intuitive prophetic art?

Intuition is sometimes regarded as that inner knowing without been told or taught. It is as though our subconscious is bringing to the surface instruction and solution that our conscious mind has not yet processed or reasoned. Intuitively doing something, is to do or...

Today I stand at the edge of the lake

Today I stand at the edge of the lake It’s quiet… Darkness wraps itself around me as I begin to shut down all thought…all distraction Vertebrae after vertebrae I submit, as I gracefully lower my beak. A holy magnet drawing me closer Drawing me in. Dare I touch the...

Where time stands still

Before you set the sun and moon in their place, and the seasons on the wheel of north and south… Time stands still. No yesterday to chase you or tomorrow to defeat you. All perfectly balanced. Time stands still. But GREAT LOVE yearned for me. Wanting a bride to call...