The EPIC - a Supernatural Journey

The EPIC- a supernatural Journey TESTIMONY

In 2019, God gave me a dream and showed me how to approach the Old Testament in a visual way. This dream really changed the way I was viewing and studying the scriptures. I started seeing scripture in the context of the bigger picture and the whole story of God.

I began to understand what I would like to call the ‘FULL GOSPEL’ or ‘EPIC STORY’. I realized that through the dream, God had given me a copy of the blueprint for this ‘Epic’ story and the format for this book.

We are not randomly placed in history. Life and the path of history that we are on; has a destiny and a purpose for the future. There is a path that history had to take, is taking and still needs to take. There is a heavenly timeline, and we feature exactly where God intended for us to be born on this blueprint of history as it is unfolding. We have a designated time frame allocated to us, to connect with him and reveal him to the world. We participate in his ‘Epic’. We are all contributing and participating in this plan. We are all designed into this blueprint, all the while the wheel of the ‘Epic’ (Gospel -time), is moving forward until the time that the world is set right and our Savior returns.

The timeline is not linear but circular in motion, like a spiral equal to the golden ratio. The timeline doesn’t venture continually into new territory like a train steaming forward to its destination, but rather continually going around and over territory already crossed, but always in a new time zone. The path continually leads us up Jacob’s ladder to a higher revelation, until the kingdom of earth is truly and fully transformed into the kingdom of heaven.

Before I go any further, I need to back track and bring you up to speed with how I got to thinking this way. This was a process and even though I am sure the process began at my conception; I have a record of it since 2016 in my journal.

the Puffer fish constructs a Masterpiece of love

In 2016 the most incredible BBC-earth video came up on my Facebook feed about the Chinese Puffer Fish’s masterpiece of love. The story is essentially about a very bland Puffer fish. He has no frills nor color to attract a mate. He does however have a unique and incredible creative skill by which he can burrow a perfect mandala in the sand to attract his mate!

It takes him 7 days to paint this beautiful love web. *(This immediately made me think of the 7 days of Creation).

Reference: BBC-Earth, Life Story Ep05 – Courtship – Puffer Fish (From Netflix)

On that day, I journalled this prayer

“Lord I am desperate for you. Just like this puffer fish, draw me into your mandala of love and show me the deep secrets of your heart. Lure me into your love story and let me participate in your supernatural plan.”

I started faithfully unpacking scripture in this visual way. I intentionally paid attention to every detail of my life. I started noticing that everything I was going through felt like the biblical stories playing out in my life. The characters of the Old Testament started becoming real. Their stories were playing out, as according to a script, in my family life, my church life and my personal challenges. I started seeing my story in theirs.

During this time of seriously digging into scriptures and what I would come to call “threshing”, the Lord used the stories of the Old Testament to reveal his purpose and his promise for my life. He taught me to recognize patterns and parallels between the spiritual realm, scripture and how we experience life. As a result, he and I wrote ‘Crossing the Jordan River…stepping into destiny’. I had started this “threshing” journey with my creative womb desperately barren and longing for purpose.

It is my desire that you too will be drawn into the love-web of God’s Word. I pray that as you search out the scriptures, this visual world will open up to you and stir you to be hungry for more.

My Dream, – a “Visual Language”

On the 27th of May 2019, while I was writing ‘Crossing the Jordan River’, the Lord gave me a significant dream regarding a ‘VISUAL LANGUAGE’.

In the dream, I was in a nursing home amongst newborn babies and handicapped children. None of the children could speak or form any kind of language. The staff of this home were all dressed in white, like nurses. They were enjoying complex and deep conversations with the children. I was thinking in my dream, this is a phenomenon!

I asked them how this even is possible? I also wanted to communicate like this. They proceeded to explain that the language is made up of visually recorded sounds, marked on a virtual Cartesian plane, an X-Y graph.

Starting in the top right-hand quadrant (+XY), the listener would fill in marks according to the sounds spoken. The recording had to be done in the pattern of the Fibonacci circle or more commonly known as the ‘golden ratio’.

Once that quadrant was filled, they had to move on to each consecutive quadrant in the clockwise direction and continue recording the sounds with marks. Only once all the quadrants had been filled, could the entire conversation be understood.

In other words, the conversation is not linear. We don’t understand as each sound is spoken, but only when all the sounds are mapped, like a mosaic coming together, do we understand the whole conversation.

The Epic painting

a ‘Supernatural Masterpiece’

After I published my book, “Crossing the Jordan River “in 2020,

I felt strongly led by Holy Spirit to unpack the seasons of the barren womb

I had written about, according to this pattern of the ‘Visual Language’.

I literally drew the Cartesian plane that I had seen in my dream, on a large sheet of paper and I mapped out the seasons of the Barren Womb with the relevant scripture for each story, starting in the right-hand side quadrant.


I wanted to paint something significant. I wanted to paint with God, since the Lord had been showing me the value of co-creating with him. I decided to paint the stories and encounters for each season on 4 canvases, just as I had unpacked them in my diagram. Intuitively, I planned out the painting.

You can read more about this intuitive prophetic art on my website and blogs.

The Lord didn’t give me all the pieces of the puzzle at once. The painting was truly a process of creating in faith, as and when Holy Spirit brought things to my attention. I was determined not to overthink the process, but simply paint for pleasure and follow Holy Spirit’s leading and prompting me in his timing. It took 2 years for the ‘EPIC’ painting to come together.

Epic top left

working on it

Epic bottom left

working on it

Epic top right

working on it

Epic bottom right

working on it