Artist statement
I position myself to encounter God through my creativity,
hear His voice and know His heart…
so that those who engage with my visual language and expression…
encounter Him.
Michele Neethling
I am a prophetic artist. Each painting I create is client specific. I paint for various clients which include individuals, couples, families, companies, organizations and anyone interested in the prophetic.
What is a prophetic painting?
Firstly, to be prophetic is the ability God gives us to know what is on his heart and what is available to us for the future. Operating in the prophetic is having a sense or knowing what God wants to do. God uses the prophetic to awaken us and encourage us into what he has in mind for us. A prophetic word connects our heart to God’s heart. Holy Spirit inspires us through the prophetic to speak the mind of God. He may also supernaturally reveal things about our life that only he would know, to make us feel known, seen and loved. A prophetic word gives us hope and is a weapon for us to hold on to in order to press through the challenging times of our lives.
There are many forms of prophetic painting.
Painting prophetically, requires an intentional collaboration between the artist and God’s Spirit to convey a heavenly inspired message. There is an anointing on such art as it brings into the physical what has been seen in the spiritual realm.
Prophetic art brings everyone involved closer to God and awakens one to his perspective and plans.
I paint to reveal the heart of God for my client.
I paint to create a divine encounter between my client and his Creator.
I paint to create a tangible vision for each client as a tool for divine conversation.
There is power in praying into the vision and prophecy.
(1Timothy 1:18-19) in the bible, tells us that we should fight our spiritual ware fare with the prophesies we have received. The artwork becomes a reminder of the promises of God.
My creative process starts in the sanctuary of my relationship with God. I consecrate myself in the presence of Holy Spirit to pray and read the ‘Word’. In this sanctified ‘holding space'(read my blog concerning this), I allow my intuition to be led by Holy Spirit, and then draw inspiration from magazines, fabrics etc. Scripture and music also play a role in hearing God’s voice.
As I collaborate with Holy Spirit, God anoints the artistic impartation and speaks through the painting in a way that I am unable to do without His hand over my work. I believe God uses my art to unveil new understanding of His ‘Word’, and to bring a powerful prophetic message to those who encounter it.
My passion is to see people liberated through the paintings and able to connect to God.
“ART IS THE COLLABORATION BETWEEN God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better”
Andre’ Gide
“Holy Spirit is the artistic director in the workshop of the soul – the source of inspiration and imagination in our everyday lives.”
Joy Sawyer : The Art of the Soul
“Where the Spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art.”
Leonardo da Vinci
Prophetic Art
Unlocking Intuitive Creativity
All things created are the work of God’s hands and his mind. God is extremely visual and has given us this universal language to communicate so much more profoundly than words. This visual language of creativity crosses all cultural barriers and is a platform for us to know the heart of God and share it.
This intuitive process, sanctified in the Presence of Holy Spirit is a powerful tool, to engage with God and know his purpose. The result is prophetic and anointed.
My heart is to open up this world of spiritual vision, to equip you with tools …