Intuition is sometimes regarded as that inner knowing without been told or taught. It is as though our subconscious is bringing to the surface instruction and solution that our conscious mind has not yet processed or reasoned. Intuitively doing something, is to do or respond to a demand, with an inner subconscious sensitivity rather than consciously thinking and judging if the response is right and wrong.
Intuitive art is about making and creating art in the same way. Just as a child would instinctively choose color, materials and imagery without their inner critic getting in the way of their art making, we can enter into a non-judgmental creative sanctuary where we are able to freely self-express and be led and guided by whatever shows up on the page. Through this meditative process we enter into intimate communion with the inner world of our heart, our mind and spirit. The focus is on the process of exploration and discovery and not on a preconceived idea of what the final painting looks like.
I believe that Intuitive prophetic art is approached in a similar way, except that this art making starts in the sanctuary of our relationship with God.
In the sanctified holding space of Holy Spirit, we allow God to encounter with us and lead our intuition. It is a powerful tool, to engage with God, hear his heart and broadcast his message more profoundly than words. The beauty lies in the fact that during this intuitive art process, God conveys an experience to our spirits. We encounter with him, we have conversation with him and we find solutions with him, we discover a visual language that we could not have created or imagined on our own strength. When we intuitively create in God’s presence, he uses our art to engage with us and those who encounter our art in a very personal and prophetic way. God’s impartation goes beyond what we understand and see at face value.
I believe that our current generation has become very visually orientated, rather than readers and talkers. Our language and means of communication have changed. Cell phone messages are condensed to emoji icons. You-tube videos, Instagram and the likes. This all support the idea that “a picture paints a thousand words”
God wants to broadcast his goodness and the power of his kingdom to a world that communicates with their eyes. Prophetic creativity and imparting vision have been part of our Christian heritage since the beginning of time. Prophetic art is not a new concept, but I believe intuitive prophetic art is a relevant tool for today because it is accessible to every believer, not just a hand full of highly skilled and talented artists. Anybody who is in the sanctified presence of Holy Spirit and has their heart connected to God is able to produce a powerful creative work for themselves and for others to benefit. The VISUAL LANGUAGE becomes an anointed expression that crosses all social, economic, age, cultural and language and barriers.
First, we must understand What is meant by prophetic art?
- The purpose of prophetic art is to “reveal by divine inspiration, the will or heart of God, and to bring light and revelation to a situation.” Scripture tells us in(I Corinthians 14:1), that we should earnestly desire the gift of prophecy and that it should be used to bring strength, encouragement and comfort to those we engage with.
- It is only possible to create prophetic art in collaboration with Holy Spirit. In doing this, we allow His power, His Life and His Light to merge with our faith, creative thoughts, imaginations, desires and skill. The art we create then carries the literal presence and power of God. This kind of art making, regardless of the creative medium becomes prophetic.
How does this work with intuitive art?
Prophetic intuitive art is more about us celebrating creativity with God and bringing pleasure to God rather than us performing for him.
Whenever we force our Christian message in our art, we create out of fear. As we have create a lifestyle of discipline in spending time in God’s presence, worshipping and getting to know him through his Word, we will be empowered to create out of a place of security in our identity in him. We will have ourselves satisfied and validated by him, releasing us from the need to perform and be perfect.
The process will be a joyful celebration of simply creating.
Intuitive prophetic art is a powerful visual tool:
God uses it to speak to encounter with us and speak to us personally.
We are able to open ourselves to hear God’s voice in our spirit. We allow Holy Spirit to bring to the surface what he is doing in and through us. Our mind and everyday rushing, can often cloud our thoughts and hide what is really going on in the deeper place of our soul. As these thoughts in our subconscious surface we weigh them up with God’s truth and find creative solutions and answers for our lack of breakthrough.
Intuitive prophetic art shapes our world and changes the atmosphere:
Through our intuitive prophetic art we are able to cast forth a new reality into the natural realm based on God’s heart.
We can use the intuitive prophetic art to declare a story from God’s point of view for our future and for others. We are effectively recording, making, shaping and speaking forth in the physical realm what has been birthed in the spiritual realm, from God’s heart in collaboration with our prayers. The creative work is a broadcast into the natural realm of what God sees as possible in our lives and the lives of others.
Intuitive prophetic art is a powerful weapon with which to war in the spirit:
Intuitive prophetic art can be a weapon of warfare.
When we have a visual tool to gaze upon, that declares what God has spoken to us in the sanctuary of creating with him, we have a physical reminder of God’s promises. I created an intuitive artwork for my son’s 16th birthday which he has hung above his bed. He says that he is able to connect to God through it and be reminded of the promises God has given him concerning his future. The images remind him to pray into those promises and declare God’s victory in each area of his life. Having faith and being fully persuaded in God’s promises is a weapon against the enemy that wants to bring false broadcast and hijack our future.
Intuitive prophetic art is evangelistic:
Intuitive prophetic art can be a platform for evangelism and turning the hearts of people back to God.
In 2016 I attended an intensive art therapy course for psychologists. A few months prior I had just been introduced to the concept of intuitive art. My very being was oozing the encounter I had had in the process of creating art in collaboration with Holy Spirit. The art that I created in the sessions challenged some of the mindsets of the group. As they posed questions about the nature of what I had created, God opened up the platform for me to testify to who he is and how he has changed my life, in a way that was not confrontational. Holy Spirit, set them up to ask questions that resulted in me giving a profound and powerful testimony. In my own strength I would never have been able to bring such a well-orchestrated word.
We are also able to create artwork in this way, to use to bless others. We might not always understand the picture, but God’s message to each individual is personal and powerful.
Intuitive prophetic art births vision:
Intuitive prophetic art births vision and leads us to walk beyond what we could imagine possible in the natural.
Recently God has been revealing the legacy he wants to birth through me, and what it means to inherit the Promised Land. He has challenged me to have a fully persuaded faith in his power to restore physical land(inheritance) to me, that I am not able to recover in the natural.
I have had a vision for a particular property close to home and all that God wants to do there. I have no financial means to make this happen, but God urged my heart to make an intuitive poster, exploring all that I could imagine for the project (Habakkuk). In collaboration with Holy Spirit we explored the look, the colors, the activities, the atmosphere and possibilities. The poster is stuck up in my studio and I get to gaze, meditate and speak to God about it every day.
Intuitive prophetic art answers questions:
Intuitive prophetic art holds the space for us to find solutions.
In October 2018, a young Zimbabwean, who had worked on our renovations two years prior, sent me a message, “ma’am, please help. I need a job. Please ask your friends”. I felt terrible for him as I knew no one who could employ him. The messages kept coming. Each one increasingly more desperate.
I had just heard a powerful teaching by Bill Johnson- The Resting Place – about letting the spirit of God rest on us and being conscious of him.
We need to be aware of the Kingdom and Peace we carry. The disciples had no money, but when asked by a beggar, they said we don’t have money but we give you what we have “the kingdom of God”. (ACTS 3V6)
God set me set up in the spirit. I received another message. “Ma’am, I am desperate, now I have no food and I must pay rent”. I invited him to come the next day. I told him I have no money, but I would feed him and if he wanted, he could spend some time in my studio, in my space, and we would ask God to minister to us.
God revealed to me that he instructed the people to sit…to REST….in that moment of waiting for manna from Heaven.
I had learnt about holding the space for someone through an Art Therapy/Psychology course. The therapist must be comfortable with the unknown and not try to fix the patients problems. The idea is to hold the safe space for things to rise up through the and for the patient to realize all the possibilities available to them in order to make the best choice. I had to hold the space for Derek for Holy Spirit to surface and do what only Holy Spirit can do. I gave him a creative project, played worship music and I conversed with God as I painted with him. I was working on an intuitive painting, meditating on how Holy Spirit nurtures me. We did this for three days. Holy Spirit was holding the space for us and revealed to my spirit, that the gentleman needed to be reconciled with his mother in Zimbabwe.
We talked about it and cried as we just experienced Holy Spirit stirring our hearts. I had a little savings account and felt led to help him buy a ticket home. All the while I had begun to declare and broadcast restoration in his relationships at home and reshape his reality with words directed from God’s heart.
The Thursday of the same week I received a phone call from a stranger, who got my name from someone. This man and his wife felt to commission me to do a painting for them. It was to do with a vision he had had. (That is a testimony for another day.) God brought work to me and blessed me. The blessing was not just about provision, but deeply personal and intimate with the “child” I was trusting God for, because this man wanted me to paint in the new creative language God had given me, without me having to explain it or justify it. He had no concern for credentials!
Intuitive prophetic art is a powerful to describe Gods intentions:
Intuitive prophetic art enables us to create in a visual language that is APOCOLYPTIC.
This is God’s visual
language to unveil the mystery and future of his intentions for his people and
his church. This intuitive style results in creative work rich in symbolism and
profound in explaining the mystery of heaven.
- The fear of doing something wrong stops us and keeps us from starting anything. There are no mistakes in the creative process…
- Follow your heart. – Trust the unknown.
- Believe that everything you do is meant to happen.
- Don’t let thoughts dictate your actions, but allow your creative impulses to lead the way
- Visual inspiration can come from magazines, photos, fabrics, patterns, organic objects, stories, scripture or anything that inspires a starting point.
- any art mediums that dry quickly. (I like to work with inexpensive materials so that I do not inhibit my creative process)
- Spices mixed with water, food coloring, beetroot juice, herbs, coffee, vanilla, powder paints and oil pastels, wax crayons, posca pens, ink etc.
- all mark making tools (anything but the kitchen sink)
- I start by praying and asking Holy Spirit to reveal to me what is on his heart.
- I like to meditate on a scripture that I feel God is bringing to my attention. This could also be about a topic or a problem that Holy Spirit is wanting me to think about. If I don’t have a scripture to start with, I let God lead me and I pay attention to what themes are showing up.
- If I am creating a prophetic artwork with someone specific in mind, I start by asking God to show me and give me an unction of which direction to go in.
- Page through magazines and respond to what pleases your intuition. Tear out those images that seem to jump at you without thinking too much about them.
- Pay attention to the common thread of what is coming up. This could be a color scheme, a visual theme e.g. somehow all you notice are zebra in every advert and article, which leads to noticing a repetition of black and white pattern. Then continue searching for anything to do with black and white and zebra stripes.
- Once you have collected enough to start, simply begin by pasting something from your collection on my piece of paper or canvas. Allow your intuition to lead you in building your collage.
- At any point you can change your mind and work over what you started with. Use all kinds of mark making techniques to connect the images. I enjoy water-based products as they dry quickly and I can change my mind at any given moment.
- All the while I remain in the meditative stance of allowing Holy Spirit to lead my intuition.
- Just as we would weigh up a prophetic word received by someone; we must weigh it up against truth to know if it is in line with God’s Word.
- I pay attention to the visual clues, and ask Holy Spirit to reveal God’s heart for me or the person I am creating for. The clues can be in the colors, the general theme of the finished work, the energy of the marks (bold or timid, strong or gentle) and these unction’s lead me to scripture. With technology it is very easy to research themes or symbols in scripture, or to find a scripture that is relevant to the imagery.
- I also pay attention to what I have been journaling in my meditative time with Jesus.
- I keep a good record of my dreams, and words and sermons that God has been depositing in my heart. It is very important to keep everything in context to understand the bigger picture of the prophetic work, and the message it conveys.
- I pay attention to the colors I have instinctively chosen. There is reference material online to research their psychological impact and their biblical and prophetic meaning.
I have used Collection of Prophetic Meanings of Colors by Carol Nemitz … to assist my understanding of God’s heart through the creative work.
- Often, I do not have all the details when I start to write. The prophetic word unfolds as God brings it all together in his time.
- In the presence of Holy Spirit, I begin to write only what I feel led to write and begin to bring a prophetic word together from all the visual clues I have before me.
- Prophecy should always encourage, build up and restore people’s hearts to God by a bringing forth and calling forth into the natural realm what God has intended and birthed in the spiritual realm. These are all the promises that God has promised us through scripture.
- It is not fortune telling, and it is important not to manipulate the interpretation from our own imagination. (God warns us against this in Ezekiel 13:6-7;17-18)
- I believe we can be intentional to some degree when we create intuitively.
- We can decide the theme, the color scheme, the texture, the materials, the scripture, the music all before we start working to create our art.
- What we cannot do is determine the outcome before the time. If we have a finished product in mind and force our creativity towards that end, we work against intuition and the intuitive leading of Holy Spirit. The artwork would have been thought out in the flesh, through the filter of judgement and reason. The result of this process will be contrived and void of the power of Holy Spirit and his anointing on the work. It would be everything but intuitive.
- We have to trust what is showing up on the canvas, and even the direction that mistakes and spills lead us. I often start with a color scheme, or theme only to have Holy Spirit lead it in a completely different direction.
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