Before you set the sun and moon in their place,
and the seasons on the wheel of north and south…
Time stands still.
No yesterday to chase you or tomorrow to defeat you.
All perfectly balanced.
Time stands still.
But GREAT LOVE yearned for me.
Wanting a bride to call your own,
you looked into my eyes and pleased with Heaven’s magnificent plan
“ELOHIM” … God the Mighty Creator
began to shape me in my mother’s womb.
On the 17th of April 1968,
like sand in an hour glass the seconds of my life began to fall.
You see…, I’m only on earth for a little while.
A five-minute dash trolley is all I have.
I charge to grab as much as I can
Lord let your wisdom guide my hand.
I want it all!
My lust for life eager to follow all the avenues of opportunity
and pursue the delicacies of your banqueting table.
Overwhelmed by all that you have placed on display
Oh, glorious hope upon hope…
My creative spirit struggles to bare.
Oh, please Lord
Let time stand still.
What is a thousand years to you?
It’s just one day.
I cry…I laugh, I hurt…I heal, I kneel…I dance, I fear…I love, I grieve…I rejoice, I fail…I rise again.
When all is said and done…
“EL OLAM” … God of Everlasting
Leads me to where…
Time stands still.