Today I stand at the edge of the lake

It’s quiet…

Darkness wraps itself around me as I begin to shut down all thought…all distraction

Vertebrae after vertebrae I submit, as I gracefully lower my beak.

A holy magnet drawing me closer

Drawing me in.

Dare I touch the pristine epidermis of the water’s surface?

Dare I reach in?

Patiently ‘I AM’ waits for me on the other side

always beckoning, always eager to embrace me.

I recognize my face in nature’s mirror.

All beauty, all imperfections magnified the closer I lean into ‘Presence’

Shame, fear, insecurity… begin to surface in the reflection facing me.

I hold my breath and break the surface…

I press in.

Oh, how gloriously refreshing the pure water, sweet as honey

quenching my parched throat.

YOU were waiting for me in the well of your love…

waiting to converse with me.

Yes lord, I missed you too.

Before I speak, you know all that I have brought, hidden deep in my heart

even the unspoken desires embedded in my subconscious.

You bring it to the surface and hold the space for me.

You cradle my chin and lift my eyes to the stars.

“Look my child, at all that I have made available to you today!”

I buckle prostrate overwhelmed by the glory of such beautiful detail.

I’m held captive by your intimate connection to the cry of my soul.


Your Spirit stirs the wind beneath my wings.

Strengthened, I must take flight.

There are others to gather to our flock.