Holy Fountain

My feet are standing in battle ground.

My weapon held in my song.

I will make this place of loneliness an altar of sacrifice.

This is where I encounter You.

I step in…

My feet now standing in liquid love

“Alpha and Omega”, descending from Heaven’s fountain.

Over the sharp edges of my soul’s staircase

Your Spirit cascades, deep it penetrates …

I press in…

My feet are standing in your sanctuary

My high walls are laid down.

I will make this place of living water an altar of praise.

This is where I am satisfied in You.

I surrender…

My feet are standing in Holy ground

The rocks that carry you, my fountain Divine.

Now lead like Jacob’s stairway to heaven,

a path laid open for me to ascend to You.

I rise…

My feet now standing in Promised land

You catch me up in your river

I will make this place of glory an altar of thanksgiving.

This is where I soar with you.

I win…