POST 5 : Intuitive painting prophetically speaks to me about breakthrough and the key that will unlock my voice at the right time.
A few years ago, my husband bought me a small gift, not very valuable, but huge in the message it conveyed without words.
It said: “I have noticed you. I know what your taste is and what you would enjoy receiving. I thought about you and I know you intimately. In choosing this gift I acknowledge that I have heard everything you have said and I have listened to your heart. I have considered you and exclusively thought about everything you are when I chose it for you. My soul is connected to yours and I truly understand what will make you happy.”
I painted this picture at the beginning of my intuitive prophetic journey, in 2016. All the while I thought it was about timing, but in fact it is about so much more.
The pendulum (God’s plan), holds the answers, the breakthrough, the gift, and all that I have been asking God for. God is showing me that the dove represents the voice that I have been wanting. The voice will be truth directly from the throne room of heaven. The key in the glowing ball represents a ‘perfect time’ in the universe, when all things are aligned to unlock the breakthrough he has promised.
God knows us so intimately. The breakthrough he wants to release is likened to the gift my husband bought, but so much more. The answer God wants to bring surpasses what we are asking for. He wants to reveal how close he is to our heart and that he knows us better than we know ourselves. His plan, his answers, are so much more profound than what we could come up with. When our breakthrough is delayed, God is not holding out on us. He is preparing us in the waiting so that we are able to embrace the magnitude of the blessing. Yes, it is about timing, but it is about so much more.
Recently I had a dream about my son rushing to the fridge after a surf, and gulping down a bottle of cream soda, his favorite drink. I was upset because most of the cream soda was spilled and wasted on the floor. God was showing me that if we rush and if we are impatient for the answers he is bringing, we will not be ready to appreciate the value of it. The blessing will be wasted.
His gift and answers touch the deepest part of our soul and tells us that he notices us, he has heard us. He knows our thoughts even before we do, and his answer is perfect.
The last three years of searching led me to write a book, “Crossing the Jordan River to find my child of promise”.(Still to be printed and published.) The golden key painted intuitively, represents prophetically the unlocking of my voice, and that it would be at the perfect time of God’s beautiful plan for my life. I am beyond grateful and celebrating the promise and prophetic outworking of this painting in my life.