Post 4
God speaks to us about our future and the way forward through our art done intuitively and in collaboration with the Holy Spirit. * (Continued from previous posts)
When I started hosting the intuitive course, I spent much time talking with the Lord about what the lessons would look like. For the first lesson, God had prepared the idea as I was walking along the beach. This encounter would pave the way I approached everything from that day forward.
The water had pulled back and left a thin coat across the sand, like a mirror. The sky was magnificently reflected in full color. Just then a little slug popped its head and my eyes refocused, blocking out the the heaven on the floor and only seeing the sand and the activity of the ocean floor.
Using this idea and 3 random images, the intuitive art begun.
2.The result
…was a painting that spoke profoundly to me about the journey I was embarking on.
The promise that as I walk on the water, the unknown territory(blue water), faith and passion(red fish) for the supernatural impartation of the Holy Spirit, will keep me going. God was asking me to walk in and on the impossible as Peter walked on the water. Faith to do this would be my journey as long I remain sold out to Jesus.
I also felt that God would give me new perspective to notice things in and out the water and discover a universe of opportunity .
When I teach students to look at their subject, I tell them to slow their eyes down so that they can really observe and take in the context of every color and object, texture, and value in relation to everything else. It takes us a slowing down of our eyes to really notice all the details of what we are looking at. I felt God was encouraging me to start looking at scripture the same way and notice the “more” of what he wanted to reveal to me.
As we practice adjusting our lens we are able to see two realities, our earthly realm and the spiritual reality beyond that. As I continue to write and share what Father is showing me, I hope to take you along with me on this amazing adventure of hearing God’s voice and knowing what is on his heart and what He is revealing to you through your art.
(poem written by Michele Neethling)
DUAL VISION (Holy Spirit inspired this pouring out of my soul and together we wrote a love letter…)
When I first read Your “WORDS”,
they are just words.
When I read again, the words carry weight, but I do not grasp them.
I read again and now the words stir me, but I only understand in part.
As you hold my hand, considering my desire to know you intimately…
You lead me to your garden your sanctuary.
There you begin to teach me the meaning of Your “WORDS”
in the context of your heart.
I read again…
A whole new world unfolds before me,
encouraging me to look deeper into the ocean of your eyes…
Past what is reflected on the surface of the water
Deeper into truth and the supernatural realm of your being.
Deeper into the treasure of your wisdom,
where secrets and mysteries find their hiding place.
Now I read Your “WORDS” in double vision…
Dual focus.
My heart quickens, my lungs straining to breathe.
Oh, the ecstasy of what I discover,
what you have tenderly hidden for me!
You delight in our game of hide and seek…
A visual language of profound beauty and “manna”
too intense for words.
In the reading You become my ventilator…
my Sustainer.
Even the beat of my heart needs to be ‘coupled’ to yours to continue living and breathing.
I am so deep in reading and searching in the ocean of your heart…
my diving suit is now my new self,
dependent on the oxygen you feed me.
I feel my DNA changing, my gills growing,
my scales flexing…
My tail and fins now nimble as I navigate your realm.
Reading is breathing…
Your world is becoming my world,
fully equipped in dual vision…
Reading is exploring, discovering…
Understanding your good and perfect ‘Will’.
are now my natural habitat.
In fact, I am so transformed by them…
reading them is who I am.
I no longer conform to this world.
I am no longer comfortable on my side of reality.
I hunger to live Your “WORDS”.
Reading, breathing and living ‘YOUR WORD’ from the realm of YOUR HEART.
This is now my new reality, my home.
Occasionally I return to where humanity habitats…
But now I engage with MANKIND from my new KINGDOM REALITY.
Now I read the words from the secret place of your heart
On the other side of the lenses.
I understand the words …
And I am empowered by what I have discovered in them.
Now I will teach others how to read YOUR “WORDS” …
So, they too don’t just read ‘words’
but begin to enter in and engage with your heart, your garden
and become one of US…